How to Retain Clients in 2023
Struggling with Client Retention
No matter your industry, there’s no doubt that you’re not the only one. That your company, process, and product aren’t as different as you like to believe. There are plenty of others out there doing what you’re doing.
In fact, I’m sorry to say, but there are many others selling the exact same product or service as you.
Here we are, still, pushing all of our excellent product features and telling potential customers why we’re so great.
Do you know the problem with this?
At the end of the day, people innately buy because of relationships, not price and product features. (and if you are buying just for price, soon enough you’ll be buying cheaper value)
Does your brand and messaging resonate with the people buying your product or does it simply echo the product itself back into oblivion?
How to clarify your message
The message has to be clear.
When writers produce a movie or book, they base their storyline around a controlling idea.
The controlling idea is simply the main point or purpose of that story or message. It is the mixture of the problem, attitude, and potential solution or point of view.
What does this mean for you and your business?
One key way to redefine messaging is to think about the person behind the prospect. If your controlling idea is based on the person behind the prospect, you’re likely to win them over.
No prospect you’re seeking, whether in marketing, sales, or customer service, is waiting for you to bring them your product or service. They’re likely going through their busy day, dealing with the same problems they’ve been dealing with for quite some time. Both professionally and personally.
This is why your messaging needs to be zeroed in on the person who has those problems. Furthermore, it needs to be dialed in towards their exact problems.
Here is where true purpose is born…
Pain (need) + Passion (solution) = Purpose-driven client
So how’s your purpose?
Sell Purpose over Product
What matters more in any industry… telling people about your product or telling people about who you are??
Better yet marketing & sales teams: how do you know if your message is reaching your desired client??
Who are you speaking to?
Why are you speaking to them?
Surely it’s not just about the product. There are plenty of great products out there today. We know you sell products…
But what truly makes your message and who you are different is talking about the purpose of why your client is buying.
It’s authenticity. Transparency. Loyalty. Personality. Character.
Is this you??